Tear duct surgery
There are a number of causes for the over-production of tears. An eye can produce too many tears if it is irritated by, for example, an allergy, an abrasive foreign object or by an infection.
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Surgical treatment for dry eyes
There are a number of causes for the over-production of tears. An eye may produce too many tears if it is irritated by, for example, an allergy, an abrasive foreign object or by an infection.
An eye may also produce tears as the result of a problem with the eyelids: poorly functioning sebaceous glands or an eyelid that does not close properly on the eyeball (ectropion).
Finally, an eye may water as the result of the narrowing/ or poor functioning of the lacrimal puncta, the horizontal drainage canals, the lacrimal sac or the canal between lacrimal sac and nose.
If tears are caused by a poorly positioned eyelid, eyelid surgery is recommended. This operation is generally performed as day surgery under local anaesthetic. In the case of narrowing of the lacrimal puncta, punctal plugs may be inserted, or a punctoplasty performed. This depends on how serious the narrowing is.